Progressive Payment Scheme Calculator

Normal Payment Scheme (NPS), also known as Progressive Payment Scheme, allows you to service your loan via monthly instalments progressively as the property is being built.

Purchase Price ($)*
Eg. 900.000
Loasn Term (Years)*
Eg; 30
Interest Rate (%)*
You Currently*
You are currently servicing*
Financial Analysys
Breakdown of Purchase Price (100%)
Funds Required
Percentage (%)
Booking Fee (OTP)
Cash Only
Exercise Fee (S&P)
Cash of CPF
Housing Loan
Maximum Bank Loan (LTV)
Monthly Instalment
Monthly Payment
Disbursement AMOunt
Stage 1: Foundation Work (5%)
Stage 2: Reinforced Framework (10%)
Stage 3: Partition of Walls (5%)
Stage 4: Roof / Ceiling (5%)
Stage 5: Door/Window/Electric/Piping (5%)
Stage 6: Carpark/Road/Drain (5%)
Stage 7: TOP (25%)
Stage 8: CSC (15%)