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10 Common Home Buying Mistakes in Singapore’s New Launch Projects


Purchasing a new launch property in Singapore is an exciting venture, but it also requires careful consideration and avoidance of common pitfalls. These projects offer modern amenities and the potential for substantial returns on investment. However, without thorough research and a well-informed approach, buyers can easily make mistakes that lead to financial and legal complications. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore ten critical mistakes to avoid when buying new launch projects in Singapore, providing valuable insights to ensure a smooth and successful home buying journey.

Viewing Showroom Before Loan Assessment :

One common mistake that homebuyers make when considering a new launch property is viewing the showroom before getting an In-Principle Approval (IPA). While it can be tempting to visit the showroom and visualize your future home, it is crucial to prioritize the loan assessment process. Here’s why:

  • Unrealistic Expectations:
    Viewing the showroom before understanding your loan eligibility and affordability can lead to unrealistic expectations. Falling in love with a property that is beyond your financial capacity can result in disappointment and wasted time. By conducting a loan assessment first, you gain a clear understanding of your borrowing capacity and can focus on properties that are within your financial reach.
  • Potential Rejection:
    Without a loan assessment, there is a risk of falling in love with a property only to find out later that you are unable to secure the necessary financing. This can lead to frustration and wasted effort. By conducting a loan assessment early on, you can identify any potential challenges or limitations and adjust your property search accordingly.
  • Missed Opportunities:
    Delaying the loan assessment can also lead to missed opportunities. New launch projects often have attractive early bird discounts or incentives for early buyers. By waiting until after viewing the showroom to assess your loan eligibility, you may miss out on these time-sensitive offers. Conducting the loan assessment early allows you to act swiftly and take advantage of favorable pricing and promotions.


Prioritizing the loan assessment before visiting the showroom ensures that you have a realistic understanding of your financial capabilities and enables you to focus on properties that align with your budget. Engaging a mortgage broker or speaking to a financial institution can provide valuable insights into your loan options, interest rates, and borrowing capacity.

By conducting the loan assessment first, you can make informed decisions about which new launch projects to visit and ensure that your property search is grounded in financial feasibility. Remember, it’s essential to set realistic expectations and align your property choices with your loan eligibility and affordability to avoid unnecessary disappointments and maximize your chances of securing your dream home.

Neglecting Loan Approval Process:

Securing financing is a vital part of the home buying process. Do not assume automatic qualification for a mortgage loan. Assess your financial health, credit score, and eligibility for loans before committing to a new launch project. For all you know, you may have to prepare much more documents or needed some time to build a better credit score before the loan can be approved. Consulting with a mortgage specialist increases your chances of loan approval and ensures you can afford the property.

Failing to Research the Developer:

Before committing to a new launch project, it is essential to research the developer’s track record, reputation, and financial stability. A reputable developer with a history of delivering quality projects ensures a higher likelihood of completion as promised and a smoother overall buying experience.

Underestimating the Total Costs:

Beyond the purchase price, several additional costs need to be considered. These may include stamp duties, legal fees, agent commissions, and renovation costs. Failing to account for these expenses can lead to financial strain and disrupt your budget. Calculate the total costs involved and plan your finances accordingly.

Ignoring the Location:

While the allure of luxurious amenities is tempting, the location remains a crucial factor when purchasing a property. Evaluate the accessibility, proximity to essential services, transportation links, and potential for future development in the area. A property in a desirable and well-connected location is more likely to appreciate in value over time.

Overlooking the Maintenance Costs:

Homeownership comes with ongoing maintenance costs, including monthly fees, sinking funds, and other expenses associated with the new launch project. Review the financial obligations carefully and assess whether they align with your budget and long-term financial goals.

Overvalue Freehold more than 99-years property

In the real estate market, some buyers tend to place a higher value on freehold properties compared to leasehold properties with a tenure of 99 years. While freehold properties offer perpetual ownership, it is essential to consider the overall factors and implications. Freehold properties often come with a higher price tag, and their scarcity may create a perception of exclusivity. However, 99-year leasehold properties can still be attractive investments due to their affordability and potential for capital appreciation.

When evaluating a property, it is crucial to assess its location, amenities, potential for development, and lease remaining. Understand that a 99-year leasehold property with a desirable location and strong growth potential can provide significant returns over its lease duration. Additionally, leasehold properties may offer advantages such as a lower initial investment, better affordability, and a higher rental yield.

It is advisable to strike a balance between the desire for perpetual ownership and the potential for returns on investment. Consider your long-term plans, financial goals, and the specific attributes of each property before making a decision. Engaging a property agent or consultant can provide valuable insights and guidance to help you make an informed choice that aligns with your investment strategy.

Rushing the Decision-Making Process:

The excitement of purchasing a new property can lead to hasty decisions. Take your time, conduct thorough research, and carefully consider all aspects before making a decision. Rushing into a purchase without evaluating all relevant factors can result in buyer’s remorse or financial losses.

Disregarding Future Developments:

Consider future developments in the vicinity of the new launch project. Upcoming infrastructure projects, such as transportation links, schools, or commercial developments, can significantly impact property values. Stay informed about potential developments that may affect your investment.

Overlook Affordability & Value with PSF Metric:

When purchasing a property, many buyers are too caught up by PSF metric and tend to solely use it as a measure of value. While PSF can be a good metric for consideration, it is crucial not to overlook the broader aspects of affordability and return on investment (ROI).

  • High PSF but Low Entry Price with High Rental Yield and Capital Growth Margin:
    It is possible to come across properties with a relatively high PSF but a low entry price, offering an attractive rental yield and potential for capital growth. These properties may be located in emerging neighborhoods or in areas undergoing significant development. By considering the potential rental income and the property’s ability to appreciate over time, buyers can achieve a favorable ROI despite the higher PSF.


For example, a new launch project in a developing area may have a higher PSF due to its promising location and future growth prospects. However, the initial entry price may be lower compared to properties in more established areas. With strong rental demand and anticipated capital growth, such properties can offer an excellent opportunity for long-term ROI.

  • Low PSF but Unaffordable Quantum Price:
    On the other hand, some buyers may be attracted to properties with a low PSF, but realised the overall quantum price may still be unaffordable based on their current budget. While the low PSF may seem appealing, it is crucial to assess whether the property fits within your budget and affordability.


For instance, a development might have a low PSF, but the overall quantum price of each unit may be significantly higher due to larger sizes or premium features. This scenario may make the property unaffordable for buyers who have a specific budget or financing limitations. It is essential to consider not only the price per square foot but also the overall financial commitment and the impact it may have on your financial stability.

When evaluating a property, it is recommended to strike a balance between PSF, affordability, and potential ROI. Consider factors such as location, market demand, rental yield, capital appreciation, and your own financial capacity. Conduct a thorough analysis of the property’s investment potential, taking into account both short-term returns and long-term value.

Engaging a property agent or consultant with in-depth market knowledge can help you navigate through these considerations. They can provide valuable insights, present options that align with your budget and investment goals, and help you make a well-informed decision that balances affordability and potential ROI. Remember that affordability and ROI are multifaceted, and a holistic approach will lead to a more successful and satisfying investment.


Navigating the purchase of a new launch project in Singapore requires careful planning, research, and attention to detail. By avoiding common mistakes such as neglecting due diligence, overlooking legal advice, and rushing decisions, you can maximize your chances of a successful and rewarding home buying experience. Remember to prioritize affordability, location, and long-term financial goals to make an informed decision that aligns with your needs. Engaging professionals, such as property agents and lawyers, will provide invaluable support throughout the process and ensure a smooth transaction.

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